Sunday, February 5, 2012

Final Fantasy - Final Thought

My Final Thought on Final Fantasy 1

Here we are, my first goal in a line of many goals has been completed!
Final Fantasy is the first and foremost of a great series over all.
For those who don't know (small history lesson ahead), the reason Final Fantasy is named such is because of the circumstances at that time. Final Fantasy was released by Squaresoft (currently Square Enix) as a last ditch effort at survival. Had the original Final Fantasy failed, we wouldn't have the Final Fantasy series. Hell, the video game RPGs of today could have been completely different! Sure there was always games like Dragon Quest, but I think things would still be pretty different. So overall, the title Final Fantasy is very straight up what it meant. It was a Final strike at the chance of survival. Fantasy part...cause it's fantasy genre of course?

Final Fantasy 1 had a lot of great things about it. It was about as simple as you can get for an RPG. You had 4 characters made up from 6 classes of your choice. You level up by fighting monsters. Magic is either black or white. Of course, this explanation is kinda pointless so...moving on!

The first Final Fantasy is probably the least straightforward of the entire series. From the beginning, it can be confusing to know where to go. Thankfully, if you happen to stumble upon it, you can slowly and surely find your way around. Someone...somewhere will know where you need to go. Unfortunately, it might be a random kid in a village on the other side of the damn planet. The game wants you to be a massive detective and ever vigilant. Even if you know what you need to do, you'll probably spend a lot of time wandering around trying to find where you need to do whatever you need to do. I can't imagine having the patience to perform this on the original NES version of the game. The PSP remake got annoying at times, and you can run while indoors on that! Original was slooooow and very tough. Remake on the other hand feels like it was made quite a bit easier.  So I'd like to give Kudos to anyone out there that made the time and effort as a kid or adult to finish this game to completion.

Overall, it's a great classic and worth a shot for anyone who wants to give the time. I spent around 27 hours on the game, and I already knew part of what to do while looking up some of the rest. It might be a hard/boring play for anyone who doesn't like the classic RPG style. Still a great game though and the beginning of a saga!

That's it for now. Going to take a break for a couple days and start up Final Fantasy 2 before the week is over!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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