Thursday, September 27, 2012

Side Post!

Well, I figured it has been a while since I had a Side Post, so I'm going to try and whip one up here really quick. As usual, I'm really starting to run out of ideas for Final Fantasy related posts. I have to get either overly creative or go in an estranged direction. I'm not really up for doing another in-depth review, but I will probably try to do another in the future. As for now, I'll be going over...storytelling!

Recurring Fantasy Side Post Theater Proudly Presents
A Crude Runabout and Opinion on Storytelling

My plan for this post is to be quick and easy yet informative! (In a way...) So for starters...Let's start with a really crappy and common opening.
WHAT IS A STORY? Webster's Dictionary defines it as...(I kid!) However, I looked around a bit, and the definition (or combination of) that I like best is that...A story is a sequence of events or recounting thereof. That's pretty black and white, but it states the truth. A story is just a group of events all happening one after another, but of course, it can (and generally does) become more than that. It becomes something bigger, epic-er, and more powerful. A really good story should move you in one way or another. If nothing else, a good story will make you want to never stop until you finish it!

Of course, a great story isn't just about the events. It's about...everything! It's the characters, their lives, the events taking place, and the places they live and explore. Stories open your mind to all sorts of imaginary and real things. They can take you places you've never been, or they can simply introduce you to a lineup of ragged and fun characters. They draw you in and make you feel and believe. A story should make you feel like you are doing more than just reading words on pages...It should make you feel apart of something greater and bigger. All else should at least entertain your pants off! (I don't mean that sexually... although that is possibility.)

But where does Final Fantasy fit in all of this? (A rhetorical question!) As far as I am concerned, the Final Fantasy series is one of the first video games to bring the idea of a video game story to life! The first title didn't have a vast array of fancy graphics or insane amount of character, but it did get one basic idea across..a story! From there, the series grew and grew with each title. As it grew, the story generally got better and better. With the arrival of Final Fantasy 4, we recieved more than a story. We finally recieved a story with full characters who had a wide range of emotions. As far as it should be concerned, Final Fantasy 4 is where the series truly started to become something worthwhile...storywise.

As the characters grew to be more real, so did the story itself. The story turned into being more than just "good versus evil." The events grew bigger and things weren't always clear. Right and wrong weren't necessarily the obvious. Sometimes, the characters questioned their actions of what they did. At this point, it grew and became more. Of course, it is always possible to try too hard. This is most apparent in many forms.

The hardest thing to obtain in a story would have to be balance. Balance in multiple means. Balancing the story between the bigger picture and the small views, the main cast and the supporting roles, and much, much more. Of course, that is when one strives to make a "perfect" story. As far as most stories go, they tend to focus on one goal over another. They might aim for an all together well written big picture where the characters are decent but never truly given life. Or, maybe they create a real-to-life characters with feelings and beliefs, but they overshadow the often weaker and not well driven story. It's no easy goal, and you can get easily sidetracked by small things. I believe no perfect story exists, but there are quite a few that are most definitely worthwhile nonetheless.

As far as I am concerned, stories don't always have to be deep. Yes, it is interesting and such to have a deeper meaning, but there are times when you take deepness too far. I feel like you hit a point of "This isn't deep. This is just retarded mush of nonsense." Of course, I'm no master storyteller myself, so I'm not one to talk. A deep story isn't for everyone though, but I believe there are times when a simple and almost straightforward story can be more fulfilling. If nothing else, you can trick everybody into a false sense of safety and surprise them unexpectidly!

And honestly...that's about what I have to say. As far as stories go, it is simply "To each his own". Every person has their own form of storytelling that they prefer. Maybe you want action and adventure. Perhaps you thrive on romance and drama. Hell, you might love yourself a good and horrible mix of all that! I would say that the core theme that needs to happen in every it needs to be enjoyable in one way or another. That varies by reader, but if the reader likes the story, than the story has succeeded. It is up to debate whether that person should enjoy it or not, but there's nothing I can change there.

The biggest thing a story has to do for keep me interested. It needs to have events and characters that make me want to learn more. An atmosphere that draws me in and makes me feel and see the events as they take place. The story needs to draw me in both interest-wise and emotionally. If I get attached to it all, I'm going to stick with it all until the end. And what I have to say.

This has been a hastily written and opinionated Side Post.
Has it been my best one? Nooooooooo.
Will it be my last one? Nope.
The next Side Post...will be better thought out.
However, I thank anybody who took the time to read my post and give it some consideration. Who knows... Maybe someone out there read this and was sparked to improve their writting! Maybe it just showed someone a great example of "How not to write a blog post". Regardless of what you take from this, I've succeeded somehow. Worst case, I've eaten up some of your time. Either way, thanks for reading and stay tuned for a REAL Recurring Fantasy post! Going to aim for three of four days though.

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