Do a Barrel Roll! - Boss Rush
Available on Bandcamp ($7) |
Sites - Bandcamp
Type of Album - Video Game Remix.
Genres - Rock. Metal. Funk.
Favorite Song - Those Who Still Fight On More Further (FFVII boss battle theme)
The band, Do a Barrel Roll!, is a random group I learned of that was going to MAGFest 13. (I didn't go myself... but I will attempt to someday!) I honestly didn't know anything about them beyond that. Their website seems down at the moment, but their album is still very available through Bandcamp. It's their first full album and was released early last year. But... what do I think? It's a really good start. They've got a great sound and decent selection here. I will eagerly await more of their material in the future! It's not a free album though, but it only costs you $7 for 9 tasty tracks. Get at it!
Droidekka - Droidekka
Available on Bandcamp ($4) |
Sites - Bandcamp
Type of Album - Original Video-Game Inspired Music.
Genres - Reggae with a twist of electronica.
Favorite Song - Blasto!
I've seen Droidekka a few times before down in Texas. (Oklahoma doesn't really have a video game music scene...) They're a pretty cool group, and they do quite a few video game covers live. As for their self-titled album... Not really any video game covers here. There's still a nice sound going on here though! It's got this reggae, electronica mixture that does them quite a bit of good. It's a good album for a kinda low-down, calm music. Something you could enjoy grooving on in the background. For $4? It's a cheap way to support a great band. Give them a shot for a different sound.
Here's a video I got of them when I went down to Texas for Party Madness 64.
Now on to the final album for this explosion...
My New Soundtrack - Mega Man 2X
Available on Bandcamp (Pay what you want) |
Sites - Bandcamp
Type of Album - Video Game Remake/Remix. Will explain further down.
Genres - Chiptune.
Favorite Song - Air Man and Quick Man.
With the final album, I bring you yet another quite different idea! The artist who goes by MyNewSoundtrack (real name is Luis Sies) has spent their time making a huge assortment of video game covers making use of another game's sound style! In most cases, he uses the Mega Man X sound chip set to recreate other songs. He's got quite a selection on Youtube, and you should really explore that when you get a chance.
As for this album though, he focuses purely on all the music from Mega Man 2 and remakes it to sound like it was done with Mega Man X style. It's a very interesting and often quite awesome take on the series's music. Every song is redone here from the title music, to all the robot masters, and even the stage select and new weapon bits. It's a really awesome album, and part of me would like to hear this music while I play Mega Man 2. (See how well it syncs and all.) The best part of all? This album is "Name Your Price" and can be obtained for free if you feel such is fair. Personally, I'd recommend a few dollars towards a guy who does a great job. Regardless, this album wraps up my trio of random new buys!
And that's all I've got for now. Stay tuned and be prepared for more fun times at Recurring Fantasy!
~May the Crystals Guide Me~