Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 38

Game - Final Fantasy 5, Day 38
Hours Played/Hours Total - 4 hrs / 38-1/2 hrs
Starting Point - Nearby the Mirage Village.
Current Goal - Enter the N-Zone and defeat Exdeath. Save the World.

What Happened - Oooh yeaaah~ Time for me to beat another Final Fantasy! I'm right at the finish line on this one. All I lack is the final dungeon, pile of final dungeon bosses, and the big guy himself...Exdeath! So let's get going!
     Before immediately running to the N-Zone, I spent some time leveling up my characters and their jobs. I was still lacking on some of their setups. The biggest thing was getting their job I'd be sticking with fully leveled and ready to go. I spent around an hour gaining some money and levels before getting bored of it. I flew around, gathered supplies, and set sail for the N-Zone. My airship was sucked into the dark area where Tycoon Castle used to be. The ship landed on a sandy beach, and I proceeded forward into...THE N-ZONE! Dun dun duuuuuun! (I promise to not do that again...soon.)
     I made my way through fighting a handful of enemies and was met with a huge group of major monsters. They said they had been stuck in the N-Zone for a thousand years, and that they would stop me from getting anywhere. I found that highly unlikely and proceeded forward through a maze of random location sets. There were many enemies along the way, but none of them were necessarily very tough. I eventually ran into...strangely enough, Mirage Village. It seemed to be frozen in time there, so I made my way around and out of the town. Where I next stepped into a large forest reminiscent of Moore Forest. Just as I was about to exit the forest, I was approached by BOSS BATTLE TIME! My first in many boss battles was with the WoodSprite. Her only strategy seemed to be Reflect on herself coupled with Drain attacks on anyone who physically attacked her. The guide suggested that I Reflect the party and just bounce spells off myself. However, I got fairly far into the battle and was doing well despite the Drain attacks healing her. She was also using my Reflect status against me (by using it to get by her Reflect and heal herself... Fantastic ). Anyways, some quick attacks, a Bahamut Summon, and a few spells sent her death!
     I exited the forest and found myself in an underground cave with waterfalls. I found a few items and then a save point. I used a cottage to heal, saved up, and proceeded forward. Ahead of me was a purely optional boss named Omega, and I decided to attempt it for BOSS BATTLE TIME! That's what I would say, but I tried to beat it 2-3 times and never even put a damn dent in him. Considering he is insanely hard and optional...I went around. (I'M SORRY! That asshole was stupid hard. According to the guide, he's the SECOND hardest boss in the game. SECOND...I can't imagine Mr. One.) Walking around Omega...I found the next doorway and was then located inside of a library. There were books all around, and I opened up the one on the table for BOSS BATTLE TIME! (Yeah, there are going to be a lot of these...)
     For Boss #...2 (Not counting Omega Failure), I was up against what looked like an old friend. His name was Apprehendr, and his appearance was exactly that of the book demon boss from early on in the Library of Ancients. Of course, I burned him to death with little trouble. I looked at the other books to find...mostly flavor information. One mentioned Omega and someone called Dragon Lord and how not even the fabled 12 Legendary Weapons were unable to beat them...and that the world should go around them. Basically, they are stupid hard. The other book mentioned GigaFlare...Onward! Going through the same door I came in with, I found myself in what appeared to be some sort of sky fortress thing. The only thing fun / unique / whatever about this place was the invisible bridges between bits of sky fortress. Easily conquered. The sky bridge (as I should actually call it) lead to a giant sky CASTLE. I entered inside and found a few nice trinkets. It seems that I couldn't proceed upward yet, so I went down to the basement. There was a grouping of cells there with people (or what looked like people) inside them. The guide pointed to the lower left enemy first since he would drop the save point here. BOSS BATTLE TIME! For this round, I got to fight something along the lines of a Blue Mage Boss named Azulmagia (I see what you did there Square...). He used lots of enemy abilities and was...really nothing much outside of that. He did take one person out (with the use of instant death Roulette), but that was all really. I sent him the grave!
     I saved my game and made way to defeating the remaining prisoners in here. After Azulmagia, I fought off two groups of three mages. Each mage would fight pathetically, transform into a flying snake, and fight slightly better. They weren't that much of a challenge. After that, I tried to enter the last cell and was attacked for BOSS BATTLE TIME! This round was against a giant floating eyeball named Catastroph. Despite his evil look and name, he was basically a wuss. His only attack was Earth Shaker, and that's completely useless if I keep my party Floated. The lady in the last cell thanked us for freeing her and ran off. She's obviously one of the upcoming bosses. I don't see how she COULDN'T be. I made my way further up and into the castle. In the throne room, I met with the lady again...for BOSS BATTLE TIME! The name of the lady was Halycanos, and she didn't look like much of a lady once she transformed into the monstrosity. The first action of the battle was turning the group into a pile of frogs. I cured everybody with Maiden's Kiss and moved on with the battle. It wasn't much of a battle though, and I blasted through with little effort.
     I quickly ran back for a heal and save, and then I ran back forward to make it past this castle. On top, I was greeted by a lovely monster named Twin Tania for...BOSS BATTLE TIME! Twin Tania looked like a cross between a bull and a dragon with a 2 pairs of legs and 1 pair of arms. Can you see it? You could probably just google it if you were even that interested. Anyways, nothing too tough here. A little preparation made this battle go very easily. After his defeat, a stairway appeared. I climbed it and was warped to the area where the Void was said to be located. Once inside, the music changed and got all cool and epic sounding. I am mostly certainly getting closer and closer to the end! Next up in BOSS BATTLE TIME is a special guest who we have met many, many times before...It's Gilgamesh! *Applause Sign* He returns for yet another story battle. It starts like a normal battle, but then he starts rambling on about ghosts, Bartz, all sorts of weird mumbo jumbo, and then he runs off. So you don't really have to do anything here...
     Moving along, I continued onward through this final section of the game. I avoided another side boss along the way known as Shinryu. He's considered the hardest boss in the game (according to the guide), and even that guy didn't beat him. He managed to defeat Omega where I didn't, so I figured it best to walk around. A couple warps later, I found myself in the final, final area. All that was left was one more boss and then...onward to Exdeath. BOSS BATTLE TIME! The boss this time was a Necrophobe. He wasn't going to go down easy. He was protected by a barrier created by 4 pods. I had to destroy the pods first, and that was a fun chore in and of itself. After the pods were destroyed, it was time to take down Necrophobe. Just as the battle was normal, all of a sudden, Gilgamesh re-appeared! He had come to save the day. There were quite a few words exchanged before the battle was done. Gilgamesh told Krile that her grandfather (Galuf) was a great man. He told Faris to find a man and act like a woman. He told Reina to treat people as nice as she did animals. As for Bartz, he simply wished he could have fought Bartz 1 on 1. After all that said and done, he sacrificed himself to kill Necrophobe. With Necrophobe gone, a save point appeared, and it was finally time to go and defeat Exdeath!
     As per Final Fantasy rules, before I could fight Exdeath, I had to sit through an elaborate talking bit. Upon our arrival, Exdeath had just mastered his control over the Void. He was all powerful and blah blah blah. It's your typical rant and such. He changed back into his original form (the giant evil tree) and began attacking the rest of the world with the Void. He even threw the main group into the Void. Unfortunately for him, the group was saved by the Dawn Warriors! They used their powers to hold back the Void while the group went to defeat Exdeath! Even the King of Tycoon showed up to help. FINAL BOSS BATTLE TIME! Thanks to all of my preparation, this battle was swift and ass kicking! I laid down the smacking and just kept after him. Before the battle, I had changed everybody's job to Bare and equipped them to the max with Ribbons, the best weapons, their best abilities, and more. I was ready! And incredibly ready was the right word, and it seemed that Exdeath was gone...But of course he wasn't! Exdeath merged with the Void to become...NEO EXDEATH! His new goal was to destroy everything and then himself. Time for ACTUAL FINAL BOSS BATTLE 2.0 REMIX EDITION! Neo Exdeath didn't go down quite as easily. I made use of the $toss skill to throw all of my money at him. It didn't kill him, but it most certainly took him down a notch. From there, I just needed to beat the last bit of him while keeping everybody alive. (I read somewhere that the ending changes if anybody is dead at the end....) It was a rough battle for sure. I lost people several times throughout, but I always managed to revive them. And in the end...I came out victorious! I was then treated to a very, very long ending cutscene that was very long yet appropriate. And thankfully, it explained a few things as well.
     First and foremost, the crystals were originally born from the Void. The crystals formed and then created the world. From there, everything sprouted from the crystals' powers. Thanks to my and the group's efforts, the world was able to revive and reform. Their crystal shards went out and became the world's new crystals. The world....was saved. After that, each character took off to do what they needed. I won't reveal anything more, but it was a great ending. My favorite part of it all was the ending credits. During the credits, it gave me all of the stats for each character like their Level, HP, MP, total Experience, all their abilities, and the total number of abilities they had. Overall, I really enjoyed my Final Fantasy 5 experience.
Stay tuned for my FF5 Final Thoughts! I'll be posting them quite soon, and then it is onward to Final Fantasy 6!!!

Ending Point - End of the Game! Woooo!
Current Party -
  • Bartz Level 42 - Bare with Sword Magic and $toss (LEARNED 34 ABILITIES)
  • Reina Level 41 - Bare with Summon and White Magic (LEARNED 38 ABILITIES)
  • Krile Level 43 - Bare with Time and Black magic (LEARNED 42  ABILITIES)
  • Faris Level 42 - Bare with Sword Catch and $toss (LEARNED 35  ABILITIES)
Goals Accomplished - Beat a lot of bosses. I could name them all, but I'd rather save the time and effort. Defeated Exdeath as well as the reborn Neo Exdeath! Saved the world bitches~ I BEAT FINAL FANTASY 5!
Next Goals - Start Final Fantasy 6!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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