Game - Final Fantasy 6, Day 43
Hours Played/Hours Total - 13 hrs / 32-1/2 hrs
Starting Point - Nearby the village of Thamasa.
Current Goal - Chase after the Emperor and Kefka on the Floating Continent. Defeat them both. Save the World!
What Happened - Previously...on Final Fantasy 6. *Insert cheesy cut footage of what happened last time* I'd go into explanation...but the post is right below this one. Quite a bit happened in not much time. Basically, the Emperor lied (SHOCKER), and now we have to go after him and Kefka. On to the post!
We've got ourselves a big battle coming up, but I doubt it'll be remotely the last one. Either way, I spent some time gaining levels and money. That's my biggest problem right this moment honestly...the lack of money. I have 12 people to fully equip, level up, and have prepared for battle. It's just too much. So...farming time! I spent around 3 hours getting money, magic experience, and rages for Gau. I managed to buy up more equipment for the huge family of characters, but I still didn't quite have enough. Despite this, I was ready to move on, and so I made my way to the Floating Continent! I made my way there, but I was only allowed three people to go. I quickly picked Terra, Edgar, and Sabin and moved right along. The next part was me flying towards the continent on the airship with constant random battles with the IAF! (Imperial Air Force...yeah...) They were fairly straightforward with no real problems. It was the same two battles going back and forth between them. After a while, the airship was boarded by everybody's favorite...Ultros. BOSS BATTLE TIME!
As the battle opens, Ultros claims that this is most definitely the LAST time. He promises. Anyways, I get after him, and he quickly keels over, but he's not alone. He brought a friend this time...some monster thing called Chupon. It looks like a weird ghost dragon thing. Anyways, I keep after Ultros, and he goes down pretty easily. Chupon isn't too much more, but he has a little surprise up his sleeve for me. Just as we defeat him, he "Sneezes" the entire party off the airship. They go flying off, and I get thrown into another BOSS BATTLE TIME! This battle on the other hand was quite far from easy. It was quite challenging. I was facing off against some sort of airplane thing. It kept pounding away at me with powerful attacks, and I had to keep up with healing and such. It was a tough battle, but I did eventually rise through it...quite victorious (and injured). After the battle was finished, I found myself on the Floating Continent. Time to find the Emperor and stop him!
The first thing I noticed on the continent was an old friend and favorite ninja...Shadow was here! He also appeared very alive. I didn't mention it before, but Interceptor appeared earlier on and was injured and therefore cast some doubt on Shadow's current status. So...good to see he's alive! With Shadow on the team, I was back to a fearsome foursome of fighters! I pushed my way through all this. Fairly hard monsters got in my way, but none of them were super difficult. The best part of this area was the HUGE amount of magic points I'd get from enemies (anywhere from 4 to 5 points per battle!) This large amount of points allowed me to fully learn-ify Shadow a large portion of the current magic available. After making it through this strange floating place, I came face to face with...Atma Weapon! BOSS BATTLE TIME!
His first comment was that he was made of pure energy and as old as the cosmos themselves. Therefore...he should be a pretty big boss battle. It was. I had to keep after him with everything I had, and even then, I was having to have at least two of my four characters constantly heal as well. He had the whole assortment of super powered magic and all. Flare, Meteor, and Quarter (group-Demi) were just the tip of his power. I fought hard and well, and I managed to beat him! Moving right soon as the battle was over, Shadow left the group feeling like he didn't deserve to work with us since he had helped the Empire. I then approached the Emperor and Kefka, but it seemed too late. The two approached the statues and were absorbing their power. And her comes quite a bit...
A lot happened during this little part, but I don't want to reveal it all. To put it simply, Celes shows up and attacks Kefka. He gets angry and demands power from the God Statues. Kefka kills the Emperor and throws the Magic God Statues out of alignment. Shadow comes back to save the group, and we are able to run away. Unfortunately, the misalignment of the statues throws the world into chaos. The statues were keeping their balance with one another while in alignment, and without that alignment, their power wrecked havoc and rearranged the entire world. Eventually, I am taken to a lone island were Cid and Celes are currently surviving. Celes has been asleep for a year, and Cid has been taken care of her. Unfortunately, Cid is dying, and I tried what I could to keep him alive...It didn't go well. Cid leaves Celes a note telling her about the raft and to try and get off the island. The next thing I know...I'm back to one of the continents. I head to the nearby town to find out it is Albrook. Talking with everybody there leads me to believe one of the party members came through and made their way north to Tzen. Also, that the world has gone to shit, but that one was pretty obvious. I stocked up on supplies and such, and I began the trip north.
It was a quick trip though, and I was soon inside Tzen. However, it seems my timing was impeccable. As soon as I walked into town, trouble was afoot! I ran over, and it seems a house was trying to fall apart. Sabin was there trying to keep the house from falling, but I (Celes) had to run inside to save a kid stuck inside. I had to dash through the house and get the kid. Of course, I did some friendly looting as well. Six minutes seems like a long and therefore easy amount of time to get in and out, but they had to throw in random enemies to make it suspenseful of course. Things ran a bit close, but I managed to get out with most of the loot and the kid! Woo! With Sabin recruited, it was time to set my sights on the next location...the near-destroyed village of Mobliz. It was a long trip north, but I made it mostly unscathed. Upon entering, some very interesting events went down...
The first thing that happened was a kid and pair of dogs getting all shout-y at me. Investigating this further revealed another previously lost member, Terra. It seems she happened upon Mobliz during the whole "End of the World" bit. Their was a large grouping of kids there that had survived at the cost of their parents. She was taking care of all of them and keeping them safe. On a further note, she felt that she couldn't just leave them and had lost her will and power to fight. This was proven even further when the unfortunate happened. BOSS BATTLE TIME! As I went to leave, Phunbaba (some demon that got let out during the chaos) had come back to attack the town. Terra went to try and stop him, but she failed. This is a story failure though, so I didn't lose right then. It looked hopeless, but of course, Sabin and Celes stepped in. I smacked him around a bit, and then he ran off. Not much of a boss battle, but it'll have to do. This just hammered in her unwillingness to join. She said she would consider it later, but she wasn't ready to fight right now.
With Terra out, it was time to move to a different place. I made my way around and Northwest to Nikeah. Once there, I walked around a bit and stocked up on new items. The Pub there contained a group of bandits that had escaped from Figaro Castle, which was currently underground for some reason. They were all about to set sail from Nikeah to locate Figaro Castle. However, the stranger thing here was their leader Gerad. Gerad looked like Edgar with a color swap (and it was), but he kept acting like we were mistaken. Regardless, we jumped on the boat with Gerad and the bandits and followed after him. The boat took us to South Figaro, and from there, we made our way into a cave and down into the depths of the planet. Once there, we ran right into Figaro Castle. Exploring the depths of the castle revealed the problem to be a monster stuck in the engine. Gerad (who now admitted to being Edgar) asked for help in defeating the monster...BOSS BATTLE TIME!
Strangely enough, the engine was cluttered with Tentacles. Yeah...that's right. Tentacles. Not too hard of a boss thankfully, I beat it with minimal effort and essentially "fixed" the engine. The bandits ran off with a majority of the castle's treasure, but Edgar wasn't too concerned with it. The next up was to use the castle to jump to a nearby portion of land. Once there, I made my way to the next city, which turned out to be Kohinglen. Just like everywhere else, there were survivors, but the town itself seemed fairly dead in ways (dead plants, buildings were messed up, etc). A bit of looking around revealed yet another old character to recruit. Setzer was hanging out in the town's pub, but just like Terra, he had no willingness to join. Thankfully, unlike Terra, the group talked him out of it and convinced him to take up arms against Kefka! His spirit renewed, he set our next goal for a nearby tomb for someone named Daryl. He mentioned something about getting a new airship, and I didn't need to hear anymore!
Before heading to the tomb, I took a bit of time for gold farming. I wasn't interested in magic or experience really. I was just in need of extra gold for new equipment. To make it worse, most of the enemies weren't just GIVING away the gold. Sure, they were fairly easy, but they weren't giving out much gold per battle. Just means I had to do it for longer. I eventually grew tired of that, and I went ahead and moved right along to Daryl's Tomb. Time to get me that airship! It wasn't a very complicated dungeon or anything. It mostly involved going back and forth and hitting switches. None of the enemies were anything to really worry about. I eventually worked myself to the end where I came into into contact with Daryl's grave. However, I wasn't simply going to GET a new airship without a fight! BOSS BATTLE TIME!
The boss this time was a Dullahan. I realize that makes no sense just saying the name alone, but in actual terms, it was some sort of undead demon thing with a horse chariot. Had it not been for some Guide advice, this would have been a ridiculous battle. The biggest issue was the spell the boss had. He had Pearl (this game's equivalent to Holy), and that easily promised bad news to anybody who got hit by it. Heck, even with Celes's Runic ability holding that back, I still lost a few people to his other non-magic abilities. He was pretty tough, but in the end, I overcame the challenge and beat his face in! I'd like to add though...Edgar's Tools ability is basically the best ability in the game. Hands down. The Chainsaw alone is the only Tool you ever truly need. Anyways, once the boss was finished, I was able to go down deeper into the tomb. Turns out there's a fairly good backstory to all this.
Daryl (a lady) was Setzer's mate/lover/special person. They both had their own airships, and they raced each other and whatnot. One time, Daryl didn't come back, and Setzer later found out that the airship had crashed and killed her. He recovered the airship, called The Falcon, and placed it there beneath the tomb. Said he couldn't bear to see it, but now he realized it was there only hope. We flew out of the tomb, and I now have an airship! Woooo! Onward to...somewhere new. The game already had a plan for this of course. As soon as the airship was up and going, a bird flew by it, and Celes directed that we needed to go after it. The bird led us to Maranda, and more specifically, to a girl from before the world had "ended." It was one who was sending letters to her boyfriend in a distant town. Unfortunately, that town was gone, and he was dead. However, she seemed to still be receiving letters from someone. The helped the girl send a letter and made chase after the bird. It led to Zozo.
Once there, there didn't appear to be anywhere new to visit, but a quick look about revealed one person mentioning a "Mt. Zozo." He sold me some Rust-Rid to get through a door to Mt Zozo, and then I went from there. (Yeah, I'm using a guide. This part of the game can be a bit confusing, and I just hate the idea of missing a pile of items for no reason.) Mt. Zozo was an easy dungeon of sorts. It was fairly short, and it ended with me finding Cyan. Turns out that he felt bad for the girl since her boyfriend was dead. He was doing his best to keep her happy, but in the end, he felt bad about the lie. He revealed the truth to her and told her to live her life fully and to get over the sadness. She did...and now...what do we do? Cyan mentioned that he came across "Sir Gau", and that Gau was heading to the Veldt to train up. Finally! Someone who is actually PREPARING for the end scenario! I flew on over to the Veldt and started looking for Gau. It didn't take long for him to sprout out of the wild and re-join the group. He was always an easy one to get back into the party. A nearby cave in the Veldt presented itself, and so I explored the depths inside.
The first thing I came upon in the cave was Interceptor! That means Shadow HAS to be here. How could he not be here? I made my way through the short cave and located a wounded Shadow, but I wasn't about to get him without some sort of fight! BOSS BATTLE TIME! I was thrown against a Sr Behemoth! (Assuming the Sr stands for Senior or Sir). Nothing to be too scared about really, despite the Behemoth title. I kept after him, and he went down fairly fast. It seems that wasn't all the battle had planned for me though! As soon as I beat him, another one popped up to fight. This could have been a problem...if I weren't already prepared for this. I cast Life on him, and he went down. Too easy.~ After that, the group picked up Shadow and took him to Thamasa to rest while he recovered. My next stop (guide) was to revisit Doma Castle. TO DOMA CASTLE!
Doma Castle was actually a side quest bit more than anything. Basically, I had to go through it for a new magicite (Alexander), Cyan's final SwrdTech abilities, and most likely Cyan's best weapon. It was an interesting side quest though. Basically, I slept in the castle, and Cyan gets trapped inside his soul or something like that. We had to run around in a crazy dream-like world with enemies and strange coloring. The worst thing happened right here too, and it ALMOST lead to a bad thing. I made a save in a bad spot where the group was separated, and I only had Gau. I kept dying like 30 seconds away from the Save Point because he couldn't beat the enemies. It's not that he wasn't powerful enough, but they had the most annoying abilities and attacks that basically fucked over having only ONE character. I died at least seven times if not more while trying to move on. I finally managed to get past a few enemies and pick up my second and then third character. (Cyan was unavailable during all this) Before I was able to leave that first area though, I had to deal with BOSS BATTLE TIME! I had to fight a trio of magical kids known as the Dream Stooges (also named Larry, Culey, and Moe...a-haaa...) They weren't too terribly tough, but I had to kill three of them. The biggest problem was killing a specific one who could revive his friends. No point going into a lot of detail. I beath them. Woooo!
It took some time working through this dream segment-like bit. I had to go through the dream place, a train, and finally some mine area before re-appearing in dream Doma Castle. Once there, the group met Cyan's departed wife and son. They informed me of Cyan's problem. Easiest way to put it...he's depressed and sad because of the death of his family and his kingdom. Sad stuff, but luckily, I'm here to help him! I worked my way to the throne room and came face to face with the source of his problem. It was some evil demon-spirit thing called Wrexsoul. BOSS BATTLE TIME! That's what it TECHNICALLY was, and it could have been a very rough battle ahead...Lucky for me though, I stuck with the guide's way as to help get through it easier. I cast X-Zone, and Wrexsoul was dead. I'm sorry! I'm really ready to get through this! I am also really ready for the final battle, but I know I'm not even REMOTELY prepared for it (character or level or anything-wise). Anyways, with Wrexsoul's defeat, Cyan was freed from his nightmares. He acquired his most powerful weapon (I THINK) and all his sword tech abilities. I also got a new Magicite...Alexander! Alexander is one of the cooler/stranger summons in the series. Alexander is some giant castle thing that is generally a holy-based summon. It's cool looking but again kinda weird. stop, Jidoor!
Now, Jidoor didn't have anything super new available, but what they did have...was an auction house! It was finally available for me to join in and bid. There's a couple of Magicite available, but I only saw one come through. I also had to greatly overpay for random Relics as to eliminate them from the auction. Great way to piss away a huge amount of money that seems to take forever to earn. Anyways...while in town, I visited the house of some well-known rich man named Owzer. He was an avid collector of paintings (as the rich people do). However, it seemed some strange things were going down in his damn house. Looking around at the paintings revealed some strange a door coming out of nowhere. As I searched further inside the house, I had to deal with a pile of annoying random encounters. They weren't necessarily hard, but I sure got tired of them fast. I also didn't have the best team I really could. That made it worse. I finally made it to the end, and it turns out that Relm was here painting for Owzer.
Unfortunately, the painting she made was possessed or something, and it decided it didn't like the idea of us destroying it. So on top of all this, I had the most ANNOYING boss ever. Yeah...BOSS BATTLE TIME! The boss (named Chadarnook) I had to fight was a two-faced jerk and annoying as hell. Basically, as I was fighting the boss, it kept switching back and forth between an angel form and a devil form. The only thing I had to kill was the Devil form, but it was constantly and randomly swapping all the time. On top of this, the Angel kept charming people. This would make them attack my people. Then she caused their health to constantly drain. AND THEN, despite being Haste-d, everybody seemed to take forever to go. It wasn't that difficult, but it certainly took forever. It was the longest boss battle I've done so far. After its defeat, the painting seemed to be just fine. It turns out that the evil revolved around a piece of Magicite. Owzer let me have it, and I got myself the Starlet magicite. And now...time to revisit Terra in Mobliz to find out how things are going there.
It seems that quite a bit changed since the last visit to Mobliz. There was a young couple there, and it seems that the girl was pregnant. The father was unsure of what to do at first, but he eventually came around. Unfortunately, we got a returning visit from someone else as well...Phunbaba! BOSS BATTLE TIME! The first round was just smacking Phunbaba around a bit. He eventually flung two of my people out, and the battle ended...Just to restart 30 seconds later when Terra tagged in! For the duration of Round Two, Terra was permanently in her Morph form (Esper). If I haven't described it before, basically, it changes Terra to Esper form, and she gets a large power boost. She's able to do around double damage in both magic and physical attacks. With this super boost, I was able to plow through Phunbaba and turn him into PhunDEAD! (Yeah, that was bad...) Terra realized the need to defeat Kefka, and she rejoined the crew.
Next up, I made a quick trip to a tower known as the Tower of Fanatics. It seems that Strago was there as part of the Kefka Cult. However, Relm knocked him to his senses pretty quickly. Cue the heartfelt reunion!...And onward to the rest of the game. I did a bit of flying around and came to the Colosseum. Once there, I had to bet a specific weapon to re-gain Shadow as a party member. Seems a bit much if you ask me. I had to have a SPECIFIC weapon in tow to recruit Shadow back to the team. That and I had to beat him in the Colosseum just to gain him. Oh well...he's still the coolest character in the game. Next up...more side trips! I needed to located Duncan's House to get Sabin his final Blitz ability, Bum Rush.
While looking for it, I happened upon a strange worm monster called the Zone Eater. It engulfed the party in a story-manner, and I found myself inside of it. I looked around and found some nice treasure. Further investigation revealed it to be the home of one of the two secret characters in the game...Gogo. For those who might recall, Gogo was a character in FF5. His only part in the game was being a Mime who gave you the job Mime. In FF6, he's a mime as well. He's able to copy the last action done by your party AND can equip anybody's special ability as his own. Basically, you could have a double of any one of the better characters (Edgar, Sabin, or Cyan). The group told him about their current plight, and he joined up to help. Woo! That plus all the awesome treasure inside made this a great side trip. Onward to Duncan's House!
As I was trying to find Duncan's House (should have been easy but it wasn't), I ran into...DOOM GAZE! BOSS BATTLE TIME! (kinda) Doom Gaze is a special super enemy who flies around and encounters you while you're in the air. If you fly long enough, you'll eventually run into him. He sticks around, beats the hell out of you, and then runs off. This seems really suck-ish, but any damage done to him in battle stays on him. This means that after a couple of encounters I should be able to beat him. The prize for beating him...Bahamut Magicite! I can't wait to get it!!! After dealing with Doom Gaze Round 1, I finally found Duncan's House. However, I've made this post long enough, so I'm going to end it here before I just keep going on. Yeah, I really made this post too long. I should have stopped halfway and began a new post. Oh well....that's it for now! Looks like I'll be hitting the end fairly soon. Let's hope it is soon so I can get a head start on 7!
Ending Point - Nearby Narshe in the World of Ruin.
Current Party -
- Terra - Level 33
- Cyan - Level 33
- Strago - Level 33
- Sabin - Level 33
Goals Accomplished - Gained levels and money. Made it to the Floating Continent. Escaped the Floating Continent as it was falling apart. Made it off the Deserted Island. Reunited with Sven at Tzen. Located Terra, but she didn't join. Located Edgar who was disguised as a bandit named Gerad. Helped Edgar reclaim Figaro Castle that was located underground. Recruited Edgar (obviously). Found Setzer in Kohlingen and got him to rejoin. Obtained a new airship at Daryl's Tomb. Climbed Mt Zozo and reunited with Cyan. Found Gau on the Veldt and got him back. Rescued Shadow in the Cave in the Veldt. Helped Cyan overcome his depression (basically). Located Relm and defeated an evil painting. Defeated Phunbaba and got Terra back on the team. Snapped Strago to his senses and got him back. Beat Shadow in the Colosseum and added him to the team. Found Zone Eater, entered inside, and recruited Gogo, the mime. Found Duncan's House but haven't don anything yet.
Next Goals - Find the remaining party members. Defeat Kefka. Save the world!
~May the Crystals Guide Me~