Wednesday, January 22, 2014

2014 - A New Year For a New Series

And so it seems, another year has come and gone.

I've made quite some progress since the beginning. Final Fantasy, as a numbered series, is complete! I really enjoyed playing through the first half of the series. It got a bit rougher for the last half (starting with X and going up through to XIII), but I still had fun here and there.

The only true negative of it all was how long it took me to beat, type up, and make new posts. And as far as the year goes at this time? I'm really taking my time getting it all said and done. I'm still enjoying the games here and there, and Dragon Warrior/Quest is proving to be a great series all the way from the beginning! However, I'm going to have to step up my game if I want to finish a majority of the series this year! (If I was better, I'd already be on the III or IV by now...)

I can be honest in saying that it's mostly life getting in the way. Work and all. The blog isn't mah full time job or nothing, so I usually get around to it once or twice a week if that much. I'm doing my best, but I need to do better. If I had a new year's resolution, it would be that.

Long story short, I need to work more on the blog when I can! I WILL DO MY BEST, BUT I PROMISE NOTHING!

Anyways, Dragon Warrior II is going quite well, but I'm needing to step it up and beat it before January ends. That and I still have a few other posts in the making.

The most unfortunate thing is the progress on the short story "Call of the Night". I'm going to try and finish it, but I've had major writer's block on the current chapter. On top of that, I'd rather keep this blog more focused on the video game outlet. This doesn't mean that it won't get finish, but it will be pushed to the back while I work on other things. For anybody who might be coming just for that alone, I do apologize. I've got a good story thought up, but it just isn't coming out how I want it to.

Getting past that... It's been TWO YEARS since I started! Games have risen and fallen, new consoles have come out, and we might even see a new Final Fantasy soon! Yes, I have a PS4, and I'll at least dedicate a post to the new Final Fantasy. Will I fully play through it "Day-style"? That's to be decided. If I finish up the Dragon Warrior/Quest series, then yes! I will. If I haven't... I'll probably just get around to it eventually.

All in all, I'm glad I did as much as I have. I just need to refocus my efforts and get to working on the blog more! I thank any and all who take anytime to come around here and read my little musings and my posts as I slowly progress through games. It means a lot for what few views come around. No, I'm not looking for any kind of "famous-ocity", but I just like seeing that I'm getting something. Thanks again, and look forward to another great year on... RECURRING FANTASY!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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