Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dragon Warrior II (GBC) - Final Thoughts

Oh yeah, it's that time again. I've finished the second Dragon Warrior/Quest, so it's time to look over it and decide... Was it worth it?

Find out... IN!

Dragon Warrior II (GBC) - Final Thoughts

Now, being much like the previous title, Dragon Warrior II is a pretty simple title. It was one of the earlier RPGs for the consoles, but it's still a winner in my book. I don't feel it's advanced enough to do a full review like I do with the RPG Reviews or even the Final Fantasy Final Thoughts. It's also been way too long since I've gotten a lot of work actually accomplished, so let's get right through this.

What did I think of Dragon Warrior II? Much like the first game, I did enjoy what I experienced. Despite the time it took me, Dragon Warrior II is good stuff. It's traditional turn-based 2D RPG. Nothing can ever top that!

The graphics and gameplay? It's pretty much all the same, but the addition of having more characters really spices things up. New characters, a much bigger world map, and a lot more to see and do. It makes for a bigger and better game. At its core, it's not that different, but it does still feel improved. Characters have their own classes, so each one has strength and weaknesses. This does change it up a bit since the original character was mostly a knight with access to some spells.

The game feels only slightly longer than the first one. It doesn't directly keep track of time, so I'm kinda unsure how much time I directly spent in-game. Of course, it is among the "first generation" of role playing video games (minus any PC titles around that time), so there's nothing you can really hold against the game.

If I had a complaint, it'd probably be the same as last time. It's cool to see a game that forces you to explore and look around to figure things out, but I'm honestly not sure how I would have done ANYTHING without a walkthrough to help me out. True, the first part of the game goes pretty easy and straightforward, but once you have a boat, things open up so much that figuring out your next move can be daunting at best. At worst, you are clueless of where to go or what to do. And finding some of the random items in game seems like dumb luck at best, like the Dew Yarn.

There's not much to say about the characters here because they don't generally talk a lot. If you're looking for character development, you are probably better off with later games in the series. (I don't know this for sure yet, but I do hope to find out!) There is a decent story to be had though, and it even continues off from the last one in a way. It was cool to see the old game's map inside of the new one too.

Overall? Another classic entry in the series! I'm definitely like what I'm seeing with the Dragon Warrior/Quest series, and from what I've read, Dragon Warrior III is one of the best ones. It takes place in the same timeline as the first and second game, but it's a prequel instead!

Anyways, Dragon Warrior II is pretty great if you're looking for a classic 2D RPG with lots of exploring to do. Dragon Warrior III... I shall see you soon!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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