Monday, November 18, 2013

News Post! (11/18/2013)

Now, this is going to be fairly short and sweet and answer a few questions I have about what I'm going to do next.

1. What comes next?

This one is easy because I have been planning and broadcasting it for a while. With Final Fantasy coming to conclusion (AKA I've run out of titles), I'm planning to play through another long-running RPG series. There aren't very many out there that are also very well known. There are a few PC-based ones, but I don't think I'll be tackling those anytime soon.

That and I had a great thought somewhere along the way... I remembered that there is another series that has actually been around LONGER than Final Fantasy! It's a lesser known game that was so popular in Japan that they aren't allowed to release it during the week. It is Dragon Quest!

Of course, just so you know, the first couple of titles were actually released in America as Dragon Warrior, so the first couple titles will be played under their original American name. Thus the constant use of "Dragon Warrior/Dragon Quest" when I mention it.

2. How are you planning to do it?

With Final Fantasy Mystic Quest, I actually owned a copy of the game, but I felt that my posts needed more pictures to help make the wall of words have some pretty in between. Now, I will say right now that I do and/or plan to own every single Dragon Warrior/Quest game in one form or another.

As of this moment, I own all of them except for Dragon Quest V and Dragon Quest VII. They seem to be the most expensive of the group, so I'm holding off on them for the moment. Also, despite all this buying, I plan to use a fancy emulator to play most of them where I can.

An emulator allows me to have backup saves through Save States, take screenshots, and easily access and play it next to the blog post. Thus I can write and make notes as I go as opposed to turning around constantly from my TV and sometimes ignoring the game for long periods.

(For those curious, the emulator setup I'm using is this. -> RetroArch.)
(Long story short, it's a frontend program that can run multiple emulators. Figure I'll use BSnes as the core.)

And the current plan is to play the first three games (Dragon Warrior 1, 2, and 3) on the emulator and follow the rest on whatever console/handheld I can access them. It'll look something like this...

  1. Dragon Warrior I (GB) - Emulator.
  2. Dragon Warrior II (GB) - Emulator.
  3. Dragon Warrior III (GBC) - Emulator.
  4. Dragon Warrior IV (NDS) - Console.
  5. Dragon Warrior V (NDS) - Console. (Needs to be purchased!)
  6. Dragon Warrior VI (NDS) - Console.
  7. Dragon Warrior VII (PS1) - Console. (Needs to be purchased!)
  8. Dragon Warrior VIII (PS2) - Console.
  9. Dragon Warrior IX (NDS) - Console. 

*FYI, Console = handheld where appropriate.*

I have plans to buy the missing games, but it won't be anytime soon since I don't need them quite yet.

3. What about Final Fantasy XIV and Final Fantasy XV?

This is probably the only REAL question anybody would have because yes, I haven't said anything about either one. Honestly? I'm not very interested in playing an MMO (XIV) because I don't really have anybody I'd play it with. And for me... the MMO would only be fun alongside a couple friends. I skipped XI anyways, and nobody seems to have stomped on that thought. (Of course my reader database is probably like ten people at best. XD)

Then that leaves the unreleased Final Fantasy XV for the PS4. I'll probably buy it and give a quick play of it, but from what I've seen, I dunno how much I'll be impressed. It'll look beautiful. There's no arguing that, but I can't see myself enjoying it nearly as much as I have previous ones. Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's just being tired of the series, or maybe Final Fantasy XIII truly killed the series for me. I dunno, but I figure I'll at least buy it and give it a chance.


And that about wraps up all the main questions anybody would probably have here. I did say they were my own questions, but I was trying to be funny... OH RIGHT!

I will start playing Dragon Warrior I by the end of the month. I don't know when the first post will be, but you should expect it about the end of the month/beginning of December. That's it folks. See you soon!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~


  1. I'm finishing up Dragon Quest V right now on the DS. It's the most up-to-date version with more "choices" than the SNES and PS2 versions. Because many of the Dragon Quest games are similar, they pride themselves on familiarity, hopefully they won't seem too tedious. Have fun!

  2. Oh I plan to enjoy them! This is my first time truly playing through any of them.
    I actually finished Dragon Warrior I (Dragon Quest I if you prefer), so I'm already off to a head start. Just haven't taken the time to finish up the post yet.
