Friday, August 15, 2014

News Post! (8/15/2014)

WELP, I dropped all the balls. All of them.

Long story short, playing Dragon Warrior III (and this blog in general) started feeling less like fun and more like a job. That really got me down, and then I decided to break out of here and make a run for the hills. Once in those hills, I became too comfortable with just ignoring and not updating or posting. This is bad. I can and will do better. However, here are the most likely ground rules of what is to come...

1. I'm not going to continue Dragon Warrior III at this time. If I decide to continue the series, I'll probably skip over III and go straight to IV. (They start being remakes and less old-school hassle to play.)

2. It's most likely that I pick up either another classic RPG or even a newer one to play through and review. I'm undecided at the moment, but I've got a few bullets in the chamber to consider.

3. Much like before, I won't promise anything, but I will REALLY try to get back on track here. I give mad props to someone who has a site/blog/whatever that they upkeep almost everyday with new content and such to offer. I feel silly next to any of those people, regardless of what their content is. (Personally would prefer quality to quantity, but something is better than nothing. Amirite?)

4. Referring back to 2, I think I will aim for random RPGs rather than doing a whole series. You probably noticed near the end of Final Fantasy that I was really slowing down on cranking those posts out. There's a reason for that. It was a year and a half of playing the series straight through, and the later games were not as great as earlier ones. If I did it again, I'd probably go backwards from the latest to the first.

5. In the future, I plan to buy and play Final Fantasy XV. I will probably go so far as to interrupt what I'm currently playing to pick it up and beat it. (Might as well do SOMETHING with that PlayStation 4 I have...)

6. Hurray for 6! It's just a placeholder.

In summation, I'm going to try better and see if I can't get this blog running again. If there's anybody out there who's still coming around, expect something soon... very soon. (Not that VGBA about History Repeating Red, that's something that was backlogged that I needed to get out first.)

Onward we go!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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