Saturday, November 15, 2014

News Post! (11/15/2014)

So, I'm going to keep this short because I've had too many of these lately.

First off, I want to keep doing the blog. That means I don't plan to close shop anytime soon (short of death or something horrible killing my love for games).

Secondly, I'm going to need to change how I'm doing everything on Recurring Fantasy.

I said the first part first so that the second part was obvious. As you may realize, I'm taking waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time to complete things. Chrono Trigger? Should have had that done a month and a half ago... if not sooner. I could apologize, but I won't... not because I shouldn't but because I've done it too much as is. I can't apologize for life although I want to.

I work full time, and the blog isn't the main focus of my day. I do enjoy posting and sharing stuff, but the format with which I do it now can often feel tedious and more like a job than something I enjoy. I like playing games, I enjoy RPGs, but the method which I post them up on here isn't working well. I don't get posts done very fast and often not at all with the pace I go.

So what are my solutions?

1. I can drop doing a "Day" format for games and simply post up reviews as I finish them (if I can stomach finishing them).

2. I stick with the "Day" format, but I literally make it one day. Whatever I get done in the game in a day is what gets done. I get the post up that day or by the following day. This means lots of little posts though, and that just sounds like too much too fast.

I haven't thought up a third solution at this time. It's mostly going to be either Option 1 or Option 2. Of course, a third option would probably go...

3. I refocus the blog from RPG playthroughs into Video Game Bands while still keeping RPGs/game reviews as a secondary thing.

I really, REALLY like video game music. It invades my brain at all times of the day. To state it moreso... My favorite kind of music at this point in my life is Video Game Music by Video Game Bands. Whether that comes from pure video game soundtracks (Final Fantasy, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man), video game bands (The Megas, Knight of the Round, Descendants of Erdrick, Random Encounter, and much, much more), chiptune artists (Dj CUTMAN, Benjamin Briggs, Chiptunes=WIN! in entirety), video game remixers (OCRemix, anything GameChops), or game-influenced artists (Professor Shyguy, Mega Ran, Doug Funnie, URIZEN).

I could list at least twenty more artists here but I didn't... for now. This brews down to me having a lot of bands/artists/music I'd love to share and partially review. Partial being that it's more about the sharing than breaking/fondling anybody's balls.

So in summation... Be prepared for a change soon! (Also not sure what I'll play next, but I'll have something soon.) I figure a small break so I can actually play some of the games I've neglected at the moment. Small break is going to equal out to "Nothing new next week", but the few people still reading this are probably used to that idea. ANYWAYS!

Thanks for any loyal peeps/returning fans/friends who take the time to read this/that one guy. I thank you for giving this blog even a moment of your time. This year is... more or less a failure, but I'm going to try and rectify that quite soon. Thanks again and PREPARE YOURSELF MORTALS!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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