Sunday, November 23, 2014

Side Post!

Today's Side Post is going to be a little less ranty and a little more informative-y. Well, I say informative, but I'm basically just blatantly advertising a site I enjoy. Moving on.

Now, if you peruse the Internet fairly often, you come across quite a few things. Many of those things are generally horrifying to see, but sometimes, you come out ahead and find something awesome. It could be a clever set of pictures, a hilarious video, or a well written blog/article posts.

I'd say one of the cooler things to come across for me was the discovery of the t-shirt deal sites. I can't think of a proper term to call them, but basically, it's a site with a specially advertised shirt that is generally very creative, cheap to purchase (generally $10 to 13 apiece), and available for only a day or two. There are quite a few of these sites in existence now. (So many that you can refer to sites that link/show all of the different shirt sites on a single page.)

I've seen quite a few of these sites, and I even followed many of them for a while. However, at the end of the day, there's only one of the sites I check out and keep up with... The Yetee.

Why? Because of all of them, The Yetee is one of the few I know that almost exclusively keeps to video games, video game references, and video game crossovers. They do sometimes deviate, but it is more often than not a video game shirt. On top of that, they have a great selection of video game tees in their store as well. I've bought four or five shirts in the time I've been keeping up with The Yetee. Here's a few of shirts I've gotten. (Most of these are actually still available!)

Black Materia

The Flow of Time

Festival of the Hunt

I'd link the image, but the site doesn't seem to like that. Just know that... Those links are worth a click! I realize that the price on those shirts is $17, but that's because only the daily shirt is available at a discount. If you're even remotely worried about the quality, I can tell you firsthand that they print out top notch shirts that are made of quality material.

And... that's all I've got for this Side Post. I won't even give it a title or link it in the regular Side Posts, but I'd still say it was worth spreading the word. I'll add the link to the side after this (if it isn't already there). Be sure to give The Yetee a look and subscribe! You'll be drowning in fancy, affordable awesome shirts in no time!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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