Friday, June 21, 2013

News Post! (6/21/2013)

SO! I'm having these way more frequently than I remotely did last year.
I think I had...ONE last year, so that's how well things are going!
I kid. Things are going well, but I guess I'm just making an effort to make this blog a little bit more AND keeping people up-to-date on things to come and/or changes in things that are going now. There will be at least two parts to this post and maybe a third part if I think of something before I finish typing!
Let's get straight to the neeeews!

First off...You might be wondering why I don't get very many posts done in a month compared to last year. There are a lot of answers and excuses to this, but the first and foremost one is purely...time. I work 4 out of the 7 days in a week, and I generally don't get around to playing much on my days on. This leaves my days off to playing Final Fantasy, and even then, I generally have other things I want to do. Thus, I barely get much time, and that leads to less content gotten in a day. That in turn means I don't get enough for a post for at least 2-3 weeks. All-in-all, I'm a big fat failure. (Or so I feel like.)

In my defense, I have other games and activities I want to do. New games keep coming out, and I leap out on them! Of course, most of these don't take up more than about 30ish hours in a month or two. Some take up even less than that! I have also been painting Warhammer 40k miniatures! That takes around 2-8 hours out of a day if I want to paint because I focus on painting. If you want proof, I can post up a few pictures of what miniatures I've painted! I might go ahead and do that as nice filler between all the blank days of nothing. 

As a final note for part one, I'm going to aim to finish FFXIII in July. If I have to, I'm going to FORCE it out by the end of July. I'm ready to move on and finish up the Final Fantasy series. I should have been done by now, but I have no one to blame but me. If you forgot/I never said anything, I've got two more titles to wrap up Final Fantasy before I move on to DRAGON QUEST! (Or Dragon Warrior if you prefer for the first several titles.) I'm going to do a 5 hour play of XIII-2, despite what I currently think, and then I'll wrap up the series with another classic, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. IT SHALL BE GLORIOUS!

Now, you might be wondering what the part two is about... I have plans for another kind of post on the blog! If I can get it going, I want to start reviewing video game music bands, chiptunes, and other miscellaneous video game-related music albums. I've got a huuuuge amount I plan to share through this! My mind is just jam-packed full of music that I want to share and talk about. Of course, I did say review, but I love most of the bands I listen to and plan to share through this. Thus...I won't be very harsh. I'm still trying to think up a ranking/rating system for how I do this. Honestly, I might just abandon that idea right now and just review good albums and highly suggest them. Either way, it's another kind of post to look forward to/dread! 

That's all for this news post. As usual, I thank anybody who has stuck with me through thick and thin. I haven't been the most diligent as of late, but my goal is so close...I SHALL MAKE IT SOON! Thank you and goodnight!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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