Saturday, June 22, 2013

Video Game Band Awareness - My Review Format

Yeah, apologies for making a somewhat pointless post, but I'm trying to work out and describe the format in which I'd be sharing and reviewing the video game band music albums.

First and foremost, I'm not 100% on the name, but it should be close to what I have for this one.
Although calling it "Video Game Band Awareness" isn't the most accurate thought here. I'll be sharing video game music bands, video game soundtracks, chiptunes, video game remix albums, and pretty much anything kinda under this genre. The only one that doesn't really belong to the name I've got is chiptunes....

Why? Because although chiptunes are based on classic video game music, this doesn't mean all chiptunes ARE video game music. There are quite a original chiptune artists out there, and it's all pretty cool stuff! True enough, there are a lot of chiptune artists that do covers/remixes/whatever of classic video game music, but I have found that there is probably more original work than not. This doesn't mean it's all 100% fantastic awesome good, but yeah... Let's discuss and show the actual post format now!

I figure it'll look something like this.

- Album Name -
Additive text that suggests what the album is based off of.

Band - With links to multiple things like their website, wiki, and bandcamp (if available). Link to the Album and Cover Art - Where to buy and/or listen to it.
Type of Album - Either the entire album as one type of game or by song as necessary.Specific genres - Specify what it mostly is as opposed to a whole list. Also define what some genres are if needed.

Favorite Song/Songs - Depends on how many songs are on the album.
Review - More than a couple sentences but won't go over a couple of paragraphs.

*Insert paragraphs here*

Rating - Not sure if I want to truly rate them yet, but if I do, it'll be something simple like X out of 5.

And that's going to be the basic format of the reviews. It's nothing special, but currently, this gives me something to look at. I figure I'll make small revisions here and there as I start to review video game albums. However, I don't plan to review one until I finish up the second chapter of my story, Call of the Night. It would be in bad taste to start something like this without at least finishing another chapter. It's been a long time in the making, but that's because I have horrible and untimed motivation sometimes.
(IE. I'm either too tired to write or don't know what to write.)
Either way, look forward to some awesome tunes coming soon! Trust me, it'll be totally worth your time!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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