Monday, September 16, 2013

VGBA 6 - Sleet

Kubbi - Sleet
Norwegian Winter Dream Chiptunes! It's the phrase of the day!

Artist - Kubbi
Sites - Facebook. Bandcamp.
Type of Album - Original Chiptunes album.
Genres - Chiptune and other various chiptune labels.
Favorite Song/Songs - Tidal Force.

Review - Well! Prepare to be slightly disappointed (OR MAYBE NOT) because this isn't actually video game music...persay. I promised chiptunes at some point, so I figured it's time for me to deliver. I got a couple chiptune albums I could go over, but I figured I'd start off with some original stuff versus some sorta remixed thing of video game variety. Before I get too far, I should probably define chiptunes for those who don't know and are interested. For ease, I've taken the Wikipedia version and shortened it a bit.

Wikipedia Says: Chiptunes (sometimes called chip music) are synthesized electronics music produced or emulated by sound chips from vintage computers, old game consoles, and arcade machines.

Now with that thought in mind, you should probably already realize that this album isn't going to be for anyone. If you went and listened to it and your first thought was "This all sounds the same." then this album and chiptunes aren't for you. Stop reading now.

Now for anybody left (maybe 3-4 of you), this is what you're looking at. Kubbi is a chiptune artist who hails from Norway, and the concept of this particular album is Norwegian winter through the eyes of a Norwegian dreamer. That sounds pretty snazzy, and every time I listen to Sleet, I can hear the concept pretty clearly.

Throughout the entire album, you feel a sense of winteryness mixed in with dreams and wonder. It's somber at times, but even then, it feels like you're climbing up a large wintery mountain in a mystical dreamland. It's a magical snow-filled journey, and the land you are exploring is majestic in all its glory. Now for those who don't feel/see/hear that... It's pretty good selection of chiptunes really. There's a few songs here and there that kinda sound the same, but that's because it's all aiming at the same theme!

Although I listed Tidal Force as my favorite, I'd like to give a special mention to the five part song Planet that goes from Planet I to Planet V. (Also labelled, in order, from Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Ionosphere, Exosphere.) For those who know their atmosphere-ology, that's actually the multiple layers of the atmosphere rising from the very earth all the way out into space. This song symbolizes that movement quite well. It's a pretty good set of songs, and it's almost hard to stop once you start through them.

There are a lot of chiptune stylings out there, and this one just feels right for me. Many times, you'll see most chiptunes as being remixes of old video game music (IE trying to emulate and do a Mega Man or Sonic or Mario style of chiptune.) or trying to give you a feeling of nostalgia. (Nostalgia is one of the best/worst things about classic video games in my opinion. I won't go into anymore detail right now though.) Unfortunately, it's both a good thing and a bad thing. Let's be honest here. If you love chiptunes, you probably love old video games as well. It's possibly you are one of those people who happen to enjoy the music but not the games, but I would need a full explanation of how you can love one and not at least like the other.

For Sleet, it gets bonus points for trying a sort of "own style". I mean if you are listening and just heard the same thing or old game music... I already told you to leave! GET OUTTA HERE! (I kid.) I feel the same way about any genre of music really. I'm cool with trying to capture an old sound with how you play, but at the end of the day, you need to try and make your original music your own. Even if you cover a song, don't just do a cover, make it YOUR cover! Make it sound like nothing anybody has ever heard before. However, now I'm getting off-topic, so let's get back to the review.

At this point, I really don't have a lot more to say. It's a great magical snow journey through Norwegian dreamland, and it's just fun yet refreshing to listen to. If you came to this post hoping for video game remix chiptunes, then you will probably want something a little different. Kubbi brings it to Sleet with great feeling and fun sound. And the best thing of all? If you are a cheapskate, you can just download it for free! Although I always suggest you give a little back to the artist, even a few dollars is good.

Pros - It's free! (But please throw a few bucks because it's good!), a great starter album into the chiptunes world, a great and very well done concept that can be felt through the music, a nice original sounding album.
Cons - There are a few songs that don't feel as varied as others. If you are looking for video game chiptunes here, then turn around now.
Rating - 4 out of 5.

Side Note - Again! You might wonder why I spoke so highly but only gave it a 4... It's a really great album, but I'm trying to not over inflate every album I review. (Although I still am...) It's a fantastic album, but it's missing something that keeps it from being perfect. I can't accurately describe what that is in words, but it isn't complete yet. ENOUGH ABOUT THIS REVIEW! Thank you for reading! /end review

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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