Friday, January 16, 2015

Call of the Night - Chapter 3

Okay, so the book project is currently at a close. I was hopeful in the beginning, but I ran into issues during Chapter 3 here when I tried to put more into it than I really should have. I was getting all these details put in, but I didn't really have plans for those details. Thus they would be too much to include and then I got disinterested and would have to just completely restart at this point. (I can sometimes get easily frustrated.) Thus... I'm releasing what all I had finished before I stopped.

Enjoy what little there is of Chapter 3 of Call of the Night!

Call of the Night

Chapter 3 - In Search of Time

     Rest never came that night for Noldor. His time of meditation wasn't going well. He kept seeing images in his head of the day everything happened. On top of this, he also had bad feelings of the road ahead. It seemed like some small part of him wanted him to stop his journey now. Noldor wasn't sure how to take this, but he figured that maybe it was just his self-doubt that this would work. He had to push past this feeling and make it work though! They would find Grandell, and he would be able to help Noldor fix it all. When he finally conquered his self-doubt, he awakened to find that several hours had passed.
     Noldor saw that the paladin was still at watch. Andrew was sitting near the fire, so Noldor got up and joined up. The human smiled at him as he approached. "Are you feeling any better Noldor?" The elf nodded at his question and answered. "I am much better now, but you had best get some sleep while you can. We've got a long ride ahead of us, and we need you at full strength." Andrew got up from his seat and went over to an empty spot. As he rolled out his bedroll, he looked back at Noldor and said, "I didn't see anything on my watch, but I still get the strangest feeling that something is watching us. Do keep your eyes open Noldor. Maybe you'll notice something I did not. With that said, I'm going to try to sleep now."
     Before Noldor could say another word, Andrew had already fallen asleep. Despite his suspicions, it certainly didn't take long for the paladin to pass out. And once again, Noldor was alone with his thoughts, and just like the previous day, Noldor didn't like to be alone with his thoughts. He kept going over the events in his head and wondered what he could have changed. Maybe if he hadn't left that day, or maybe if he had ridden faster back to town. Things could have been different! Noldor thought on these past events mostly in regret, but he was also considering them for what lay ahead. He wasn't sure how Grandell would fix things, but Noldor figured he needed to have a plan. As much as it pained him to think on it, he knew the answer to it all lie in the past.
     Although Noldor was caught up in his own thinking, he didn't fail to notice that something was off about their campsite. He couldn't tell from where, but he certainly felt a presence around him. Whatever was out there didn't mean them any harm though, but he wanted to find out what or who it was. Being careful to not wake his companions, Noldor took only his sword as he ventured out into the woods. Being an elf, Noldor had low light vision, so he could easily see even late at night. His eyes told him there wasn't anything around, but regardless of this, he could still sense something around him.
     Noldor walked around for about an hour, but he could never seem to spot whatever this strange presence was. Whatever it was, it didn't seem interested in Noldor finding it, so he figured it was time to head back to camp. As Noldor had turned around to head back, he heard a strange voice calling out to him. "Don't leave yet Young One..." The elf had never heard any sound quite like it. The voice had a strangely melodic yet almost instrumental tune. Noldor turned around to see who the voice belonged to. He didn't see anything immediately behind him, but then he looked up and saw what the voice had came from.
     What was looking down at Noldor was a one of the strangest creatures he had ever seen. It looked to be a female elf, but apart from her general build, she was quite different looking. Instead of skin, she had bark covering her body, and her hair appeared to be weaved out of leaves, vines, and flowers. Even with these plant-like features, her eyes easily stood out the most to Noldor. Her eyes shone with a bright silver glow that seemed to permeate the darkness of the night. The mysterious creature leapt down from the trees and slowly approached him. "Greetings Young One."
     The elf wasn't sure how to reply but finally said, "Greetings." The creature didn't immediately respond to him though, so Noldor went ahead and asked. "Are... Are you one of the Wood Elves?" The creature nodded and spoke again. "Yes Young One. I am what you mortals refer to as a Wood Elf. My people and I have been watching your group since you first came into contact with the woods." Noldor was a bit disturbed to hear that they have been watched all this time, and he was even more confused to how they managed this without being detected. Sure, Noldor had felt the strange presence since he got here, but he could never quite tell what was causing it. The elf did have one big question at the forefront of his mind though.
     "If you've been watching all this time, why have you waited until now to reveal yourself?" The wood elf looked over at him briefly and then continued to walk around as it spoke. "We have always watched over those who cross through the forest. Many come but few respect the woods for what it is." The wood elf went to a nearby tree and stopped for a moment. Her mouth moved but only strange wooden creaking noises came out. Once she stopped make the sound, she looked over and said, "These trees are my people." Noldor wasn't sure how to take this answer and inquired further. "What do you mean?" The wood elf simply stared at him for the next several minutes and seemed to be staring into Noldor's very soul.
     Finally, she started explaining. "Long long ago, when my people and your people were very young, we were all part of one elven race. When the demons invaded our world, the elves were split on how to deal with it. Your people wanted to stay out of the affairs of man, but my people felt it wrong to watch the corruption of the world. Our race split off and came to guard this forest. Back in its younger days, it was a much larger forest and quite beautiful. However, the demons tainted the land in hopes of killing beast and man alike. My people fought hard and repelled the demons, but the land was already doomed to rot from the demon's touch. They tried everything to fix the forest, but nothing seemed to work."
     "Finally, the great village elder found an ancient spell that would cleanse the forest of evil. The entire clan would have to sacrifice their mortal and place their souls into the trees. Once merged with the trees, they could absorb the demonic energies from the land, cleanse it, and then release that energy into the air. This would both heal the land and help it to grow back. However, the process was permanent, so once melded with the trees, they would be stuck as living trees. Despite this, my people gave themselves to restore this forest to its former glory."
     "Many centuries have passed since then, and the forest is nearly cleansed of the demon's taint. Although my people sacrificed themselves for the sake of the land, they were rewarded for their actions. The goddess Ehlonna, a deity of forests and woodlands, saw what they had given to save the forest. She gave them her blessing and gave a new life to them. Once every ten years, a tree is born with the body of an elf. I am one of those blessed souls born into the life of, as you call us, a wood elf. For all this time, we have stayed and guarded this sacred land. Our numbers may be small, but we are able to commune with the forest and speak to the spirits of our elders here."
     Nolder had listened with much passion and sorrow at the story he was told. He couldn't believe that a whole people would willingly give up everything to save a place. He knew that if they were willing to do that to save a forest, he could make any sacrifice of himself to bring back his family. Noldor looked over at the wood elf and asked her, "Will you allow us to pass through unharmed? I have a great journey ahead of me, and I wish to get through here as fast as possible." The wood elf didn't seem to pay any mind to his statement because she seemed to be working with something. As to not offend her, Noldor simply waited for her response.
     Noldor waited for quite some time while the wood elf focused on something. He caught a glimpse here and there, and she seemed to be doing something with a piece of wood. After what felt like forever to Noldor, the wood elf turned around and approached him. In her hands, she held a beautiful looking longbow. She reached out and seemed to be handing to Noldor. "This bow is crafted from one of my people. It is a strong weapon full of great spiritual power." The elf wasn't sure of what to think of this gesture. "I... I don't understand. I just wished to pass through the forest, and I have done you no great honor. We are simply pa-"
     The wood elf held her hand up and interrupted Noldor. "We have watched you and heard your story from since you entered these sacred woods. Like my ancestors, you are willing to sacrifice yourself in order to fulfill a greater good. The elder trees were impressed by your virtuousness, so they gave of their limbs to craft this bow. They wish for your journey to be a successful one." The wood elf finally set the longbow in Noldor's hands and turned to walk away. "Good luck young elf. May your journey come to a good end." And before Noldor could get another word in, the wood elf was gone.
     Noldor wanted to ask the wood elf more questions, but he realized it would be rude to push any more. They gave him this great and powerful gift, and he wasn't about to dishonor their generosity. With the longbow in hand, he quickly returned to the campsite. The elf figured the rest of the group might still be asleep and tried to enter their site quietly. However, he hadn't realized just how much time had passed since he left. When he was within the camp's parameter, he saw that Aswane had already gotten up. The old wizard looked up at him and greeted him.
     "Good morning Noldor. I see by the longbow in your hands that you have just been blessed by the Wood Elves." Noldor was quite surprised that Master Gramstin had deduced that so quickly. The old man chuckled and said, "By the look of your face, I know what you are thinking. I have met with the very Wood Elves once before. It was a long time ago, and I was quite young and stupid back then. If we get a chance later, we'll have to swap stories. However, we need to focus on getting ready and going now. I'd suggest a quick breakfast so we can make it to Avgard by midday." As Aswane finished talking, Sir Andrew seemed to finally come to attention.
     The paladin yawned loudly as he got to his feet. "Morning you two. What's for breakfast?" Noldor pulled out a small loaf of bread and handed it to the paladin. Andrew didn't seem too impressed at first glance, but Andrew had survived on less before. He took the bread and began to eat. Despite it's small size, Andrew only took a few bites before he felt strangely full. As he looked up from the bread, he had noticed the other two were already packing up. "What is this?" Noldor looked up from rolling up the bedrolls. "That is travel bread. You have never heard of it?" Andrew eyed the bread suspiciously and asked again. "What is... it?"

exit the forest and make it to Avgard
meet Aswane's friend... a monster humanoid but haven't decided what
they talk a bit about stuff and snobby foreshadowing
obtain a map and head out into the mountains
find the cave after quite a bit of searching and maybe fight some monster thing but haven't decided
/end chapter (most likely)

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