Friday, January 16, 2015

VGBA 16 - Speed Runs

Speed Runs
Never has an album been truer to it's name!

Band - Lame Genie
Sites - Facebook. Bandcamp.
Type of Album - Hardcore Video Game Covers.
Genres - Experimental. Hardcore. Rock. (Kinda wanted to not include any of those periods...)
Favorite Song/Songs - Donkey Kong Country 2 (Dixie Kong Victory Theme)

Review - This is just a random little tidbit I got linked to from one of the various video game bands I follow. (Can't remember who at the moment...) Like I joked at the top, the album's name is pretty true to what it is. It's under seven minutes and covers a large variety of random themes from Nintendo games. A short album like this means I'm going to have to speed run this post!

I realize that sounds stupid/crazy/ridiculous, but it's pretty awesome for what little length it has. Many of the songs aren't even longer than 10 seconds! Despite the length of the songs and album though, there's some pretty awesome and powerful stuff to hear here.

The selection? Full of a variety of both well known (Castlevania, Contra), lesser known (RBI Baseball, Rock And Bullwinkle), and highly surprised by (Friday The 13th, Excitebike). So again.. It's chocked full of a great variety from all kinds of games.

The best part? For what little you hear, it's all really awesome and super powerful. It's like BLAM! ROCK IN YOUR FACE! SO EPIIII- done. It went by so awesomely and so fast that you have to listen to it again and again to get your fix. Seriously, for what little content seems to be here, there's a lot going on.

And really... That's about what I have. It's seven minutes of awesome music, and it's even Pay What You Want! Be a butt and pay nothing. Be an amazing and pay $1. Be crazy ama-za-za-zing and pay $2 or more! GO NUTS AND PAY ALL YOUR MONEY! (That'd be cool of you, but don't go that nuts.) So stop reading this and go download that album RIGHT NOW.

Pros - Great variety. Quick and awesome. Pay what you want. Nintendo Experimental Hardcore Rock.
Cons - It's super short. We're looking at less than 7 minutes. But pay what you want so get over it!

Side Note - And at the time of this writing, I just now realized they had a full album as well. Going to buy that soon!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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