Tuesday, January 6, 2015

News Post! (1/6/2015)

2014 In Review & The Future of 2015

And thus this blog survives another year. I'm looking forward to another year, but I'm starting to be unsure of what I should do. Last year I kinda messed up the middle portion of the year when I completely stopped posting. Had I any people reading this around that point... I probably lost them. I'm hoping to turn around the amount of content on this blog, but I'm still in that "not sure what I should do" area of questioning. I figure that I go in one of three directions this year (possibly multiple ones at the same time)...

1. Start reviewing quite a bit more albums for Video Game Band Awareness.
     -This is a given. I've wanted to increase the number of album reviews and explosions, but I tend to get behind on these by either timing or relevance. Basically, it'd be best to do these near release rather than several months later. (Kinda that weird zone where the album hype is clearly past but not so far away to consider it a classic yet.) Solution here is to try and get at least one new album a month to review and then pick one classic album to review as well. Maybe get one or two more depending on how things are going. Slow down when I catch up on a majority of what I have.

2. Figure up a larger number of Side Posts and complete them on time.
     -I often think of great ideas for Side Posts, but if I'm not careful, I really lose the steam and focus on it quite fast. It's one part working, one part distractions. I try my best to follow through, but next thing I know, a post that should have taken a couple hours at most turns into several days. Then the blog goes without a post for a while and... You get what I'm saying. I figure the easiest and best method here is to start and finish a post within a day. Pick one of my days off and just make that shit happen. No excuses, no distractions, no delays. Just. Get. Things. Done.

3. Try to actually complete RPGs in order to talk and review them.
    -I have quite a few of them in my backlog. Old ones, new ones, weird ones, unfun ones. A massive assortment of RPGs to play and talk about. I even bought a pile of them for the PSP (that I play on my Vita) and yet haven't gotten very far in any of them. Also been so long since I tried them that I can't really even make a small post describing the "what is ups" about them. I figure that only solution to this is to try and write about games before I finish them. I don't really like this idea, but it would make more sense with an RPG. (It will be a small miss on the Character/Story aspect, but I've got to try and accomplish more things.)

4. Figure up new subjects/ideas for the blog in general.
    -This initial focus was Final Fantasy and then grew into video game band music and other bits about gaming. Maybe it's time to advance a little further...? At the same time, I preferred that the blog keep at a fairly focused idea versus becoming something so generic that it doesn't feel special. Maybe that's just me but... I could always give it a shot. I mean hell, I've done random posts in the past. They were mostly filler too, so... would it really hurt to try again? I guess not, but I'm going to focus on keeping things... well focused.

And thus is the goal for this year. Just improve the blog in general in both the content and my habits. Let's hope things go well! Wish me luck.

And like many times before, thanks to anybody who has remotely stuck around through the times despite my terrible update schedule and often funky ways. Here's to 2015!

~May the Crystals Guide Me~

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